[ Research ]
Space.Code, media facade concept, 2008

“space:code” is an environmentally integrating media facade concept.
The idea is, that control impulses and energy supply of the architectural elements are produced and held up by the inexhaustible resources wind and sunlight. The facade is made of a supporting grid structure and acrylic glass tiles, arranged in changing directions. Through the curved aerodynamic shape, light and wind are able to act harmonically.
A lateral light feed-in of the tiles edges, creates an uniform illumination and by the help of wind turbines, every module is independent in it´s power supply. Additionally, the tiles have a transparent film layer, which is controlable in a smooth way from 0 to 100 percent. The required voltage is generated by structure integrated photovoltaics. The combinability of color changing-artificial light and controlable diffusion of the transparency film allows an incredible amount of lighting styles, as well as day and night – interior and exterior.